CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH is a non denominational Bible Believing Church which distinctively preaches the Word of God from the King James Bible (Av 1611). The church has been in existence since 1985, beginning from a home group Bible study.
Our vision statement is threefold:
1) To preach the gospel and win the lost to Christ – Matthew 28:19-20
2) To disciple and equip each believer for ministry – Ephesians 4:11-13
3) To be a church where “God’s love is lived” – John 13:35
Our church government is based on the biblical principle of Pastor/Deacon ministry. Every leader is to be a Servant/Leader.
We believe in Lay Leadership where members operate with their gifting in their distinct ministry.
Membership is based on the following:
1) You must be “Born Again”
2) Be Baptized according to the Scriptures
3) Complete an assigned Discipleship course